Shipmate – July/August 2016 Issue
Posted: 8/21/2016
Good Morning, ’82!
I hope you’re enjoying your summer: sandy beach instead of Red Beach, a cruise that does not include the midwatch, or perhaps a break from the daily routine that does not include reveille and taps. Although as wonderful as this summer may be, I’m sure you all look back with the fond memories brought by the passage of time for our summer on the banks of the Severn, oh so many years ago (38, but who’s counting?). Bounce, ’82!
With pleasure I report the 2016 recipients of the USS Lassen (DDG 82) Class of 1982 Leadership Award, which recognizes a CPO (as voted by the wardroom) and a JO (as voted by the CPO mess) for their outstanding leadership. This continuing project of our class awards a $1000 check and a naval sword/chief’s cutlass to each recipient.
◙ FCCM(SW) JAMES E. EPPS, COMBAT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MANAGER, USS LASSEN (DDG 82) – A native of Fort Worth, TX FCCM James Epps joined the Navy in November 1993 attending Basic Training in Great Lakes, Illinois. After completion of Basic Training he attended AMH “A” School in June of 1994 in Millington, TN before reporting to Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron FIVE (VQ 5). Returning to Active Duty in June 2000 he attended FC “A” school in Great Lakes and FCS/ORTS “C” school in Dahlgren, VA prior to reporting to USS PREBLE (DDG 88). At sea, FCCM Epps served as a ES-3A and S-3A AMH maintenance technician in FAIRECONRON Five (VQ 5) deploying in USS KITTY HAWK (CV 63), Workcenter Supervisor and Leading Petty Officer in USS PREBLE (DDG 89), Leading Chief Petty Officer for CF Division and Combat Systems Departmental Leading Chief Petty Officer in USS SHILOH (CG 67), and Combat Systems Maintenance Manager in USS LASSEN (DDG82). He has completed three Western Pacific/Arabian Gulf deployments in support of Operation Southern Watch and Operation Enduring Freedom, and two Forward Deployed Naval Forces tours in Yokosuka, Japan. Ashore, FCCM Epps served at Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 59 (VR59) in JRB Fort Worth, TX as an Active Duty reservist. At AEGIS Training and Readiness Center in Dahlgren, VA, he was an instructor for AEGIS Weapon System Supervisor and Combat System Maintenance Manager courses of instruction as well as N7 Departmental Leading Chief Petty Officer. FCCM Epps’ additional education includes a Bachelors of Business Administration from Ashford University. He also completed his Master Training Specialist at ATRC Dahlgren. His personal awards include the Navy Commendation Medal (2), Navy Achievement Medal (4) and various unit and campaign awards.

LTJG Adam C. Johnson, SC, USN, ’13, 2016 recipient of USS Lassen (DDG 82) Class of 1982 Leadership Award.
◙ LTJG Adam C. Johnson, SC, USN, ’13, FOOD SERVICE OFFICER & DISBURSING OFFICER, USS LASSEN (DDG 82) – LTJG Johnson was born and raised in Sandy Springs, Georgia. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a Bachelors of Science degree in General Science. He is an avid basketball fan and player who enjoys traveling, eating, exploring new music and new experiences. After graduation in 2013, LTJG Johnson began a brief TAD assignment in the Disbursing Office at USNA while awaiting assignment to the Basic Qualification Course for Supply Officers in Newport, RI. LTJG Johnson was stationed at USNA from June 2013 – December 2013. LTJG Johnson began at the BQC in January 2014. He completed the course in June 2014. LTJG Johnson attended Helicopter Control Officer School in June 2014 before reporting to USS LASSEN in early July. He served as the Disbursing / Sales Officer onboard USS Lassen (DDG 82) from August 2014 – April 2016. He currently serves as the Food Service Officer. She was home ported in Yokosuka, Japan from 2005 until 2015. Her new homeport is Mayport, Florida.
Mark LoPresto (20) reports:

VCNO ADM Michelle Howard with fellow classmates (l to r): Dave Balk (20), Tim Galpin (1), Michelle, Paul Healy (11), Pat Madden (15) and Mark LoPresto (20). Other ’82 classmates who work at APL but could not make it to the photo include Bob Evans (35), Joe Welter (20) and Bill Druce (20).
◙ “VCNO, ADM Michelle Howard (23) recently visited the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory where she addressed the staff about her priorities as VCNO, including some entertaining insights into the character and motivations of the young men and women who defend our Nation. APL is a non-profit DoD research and development laboratory with a long history of support to the Navy, and many alumni have found a home there. Prior to her talk, Michelle took a few minutes to pose with just some of her classmates who work at APL.”
◙ A couple of years back your humble scribe made it onto the email list for Jan Myers (29). For all you oenophiles, you should be, too. You see, after his naval aviator career, Jan became a winemaker in Northern California, creating his own label “My Well Wines”. His new wine release is a “2013 Pinot from Sonoma and Napa Carneros appellations and is elegant with a lingering blackberry and plum finish.” Ready for a taste? Learn more and join his list at
Jane Teadway Conley (7), Goat One, reported on the recent gathering of the Women of ’82:

Fun at Granlibakken: (top row): Jane Conley, Terri Riggs, Kathy Bustle, Ron Parson. (bottom row) Sandy Sadler, Carrie Perry, Anita Flynn.
◙ “Sandy Martin Sadler (6), Carrie Coulter Perry (23), Terri Riggs (1), Kathy Bustle (29), Anita Flynn (7) and I met at Ron Parson’s (21) beautiful Granlibakken Lodge, Tahoe City, CA, during the last weekend of April 2016. There was lots of great discussion, technical drawings on how to beat the obstacles on the Zip line course, and even though we feel as young as we were 34 years ago, we developed a list of regulations for growing older: no complaining and no organ recitals!”

Sunrise Hike at Lake Tahoe, courtesy of Ron Parson. Carrie Perry, Terri Riggs, Sandy Sadler, Jane Conley and Anita Flynn.
Bruce Bushong (17) sent in this update:
◙ “I attended my son Ben’s Commissioning and Graduation at NC State University in May. Ensign Ben Bushong has orders to flight school in Pensacola this summer. Also of note, the commencement speaker was none other than ADM Michelle Howard (23), who delivered a stirring speech to the graduates, highlighted by the following revelation: “There are two important days of your life. The day you are born, and the day you realize how you were born.” Way to go, Howie! Go ’82 and Fly Navy!”
Tom Clemons (11) posted on Facebook the following link to a newspaper account of our graduation ceremonies: Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was the principle speaker, and said that he United States cannot expect the Soviet Union to limit nuclear arms until the Kremlin is convinced America is equal in military capability. (Ed. Note: Those who who fail to learn from history…) Did you know that ours was the largest USNA graduating class ever, to that point? This article helps you remember more than the humidity and the hat toss. Give it a read.
As we approach our 35th Reunion in 2017, we are looking for “missing” classmates. 21st Co. is searching for Roger Conley, Rudy Heller, Ron Snyder and Tim White. 36th Co. is seeking Ron Jackson and Mark Sims. If you guys read this, please log on to to update your records, or send your contact information in to, as USNAAA does not have a valid email address for you. We want all classmates to receive the Reunion Gouge when it starts to flow. In fact, if you haven’t logged in for some time, please do so to ensure that the Alumni Association has your latest info.
I leave you with a photo I took last September in Bancroft Hall, the center of our living for four years in Crabtown by the Bay. Always in the background, both physically and spiritually, was “Don’t Give Up The Ship.” But what permeated our training and experience was the first part of that famous saying by Capt. Lawrence: “Fight her ‘til she sinks…” Dig in. Persevere. Be strong. Don’t give up the ship, ’82.
Looking good, ’82! – Razz
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